Fall Cleaning

Fall is in the air!! Well… not here is SoCal where it’s still 90+ degree outside, but I still like to get into the fall spirit lol! A couple years ago I decided to start “fall cleaning.” It’s like spring cleaning, just less intense and VERY helpful before the holiday decorating gets into full swing.

I like to take my time with this routine and depending on my energy level, I can get everything done within a week or two. I know this may seem daunting, but one thing that makes this easier, is living with less. I am NO minimalist, but I like to think (and purge) like one. My worst habit is walking into Target and browsing the bullseye section. It’s so easy to see a little $1 or $3 item and think “it so cheap” or “I could use this somewhere.” Inevitably, I end up getting home and can’t figure out what to do with my little trinket.

Having a minimalist mindset it not as hard as it may seem. It basically consists of thinking where and how you will use an item before you purchase it. This should help you avoid buying the things that end up in the closet. It’s not 100% but it definitely helps me from over buying.

This fall cleaning routine is a great way to stay focused on your simple living journey. It can also help those, like myself, stay consistent and not let my stuff over run me. If you haven’t done a fall cleaning, I encourage you to print out this checklist to follow along and try it for yourself! Be sure to leave a comment below if you have any questions and follow along with the rest of my cleaning routine on Instagram.


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